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International Business

Master FH

SBS Swiss Business School


Kloten (ZH)




Fachhochschulen FH

Zeitliche Beanspruchung



Management, Führung


Betriebswirtschaftslehre BWL / Betriebsökonomie



Aktualisiert 28.05.2024


Beschreibung des Angebots

Der Master ist der zweite Hochschulabschluss und verlangt in der Regel 90 – 120 ECTS-Punkte.

This Master in International Business is a full-time, 90 ECTS program.
Students get an in-depth examination of global business issues ranging from economics to cross-cultural leadership.

Aside from the regular in-class sessions and coursework, SBS Swiss Business School also arranges, for its students, value-added activities including CV Writing and HR Workshops, Guest Speakers, Language Lessons, Company Visits, career opportunities, and more. Students benefit from these activities by learning more about industries, companies and business practices that are involved in these events, and through extending their networks and realizing opportunities that are in line with their career goals.

The SBS Swiss Business School’s MSc in International Business is divided into 2 parts: In the first year, students will complete the academic courses and studies over 4 terms of 11 weeks each. This period concludes with the submission and defense of a thesis in front of a panel jury. The second year of the program is for professional experience, this may take the form of an internship or employment in the workplace, either in Switzerland or abroad.

Aufbau der Ausbildung

1 ECTS-Kreditpunkt entspricht einem Arbeitsaufwand von 25-30 Arbeitsstunden.



  • Successful completion of a Bachelor’s degree in the related field
  • English Proficiency for non-native speakers
  • Successful completion of the admissions interview
  • SBS admissions exam (when applicable)

Required documentation for Master Program

  • Copy of Bachelor’s degree (transcript and diploma)
  • Copy of the official Bachelor transcripts (grade sheet)
  • Complete CV and work certificates indicating professional experiences and responsibilities
    • No work experience required for the two years’ full-time program
    • Minimum one-year work experience required for the one-year, full-time Master of Science
  • English proficiency unless previous education was conducted in English
    • TOEFL IBT 90, IELTS 6.5 or equivalent
  • GMAT Only applicable for U.S. Bachelor degrees
    • A total score of 550
  • One reference letter (professional or academic)
  • Front-facing photograph, high quality in jpg/png/gif format
  • Application fee of CHF 150.- (PayPal to account info@sbs.edu or via bank transfer)


Application fee (non-refundable): CHF 150.-
Aministration fee (non-refundable)*: CHF 3'500.-
Per Term (4 Terms): CHF 7'150.- 

 *Administration fee: CHF 3'500.- (One-time fee, full refund if the student visa is refused by the Visa Authorities – official letter of rejection from the Visa Authorities required)


  • Master Fachhochschule FH

Master of Science SBS in International Business

Praktische Hinweise

Ort / Adresse

  • Kloten (ZH)

Zeitlicher Ablauf


September and January


2 years

Zeitliche Beanspruchung

  • Vollzeit


  • Englisch




Auskünfte / Kontakt

SBS Swiss Business School
Tel: +41 44 880 00 88
E-Mail: info@sbs.edu
