Animal Biology / Biologie der Tiere
Master UH
Universität Basel UNIBAS
- Ausbildungsort
Basel (BS)
- Unterrichtssprache
- Ausbildungstyp
Universitäre Hochschulen UH
- Zeitliche Beanspruchung
- Ausbildungsthemen
Natur, Naturwissenschaften
- Studienrichtungen
- Swissdoc
Aktualisiert 30.05.2022
Beschreibung des Angebots
Within the Basel life science program, the Department of Environmental Sciences and its associates offer a comprehensive Master course for graduates with a background in biology. The course builds upon the local strength in Zoology and Evolutionary Biology in general and in evolutionary genetics and genomics, population biology, developmental biology and evolutionary ecology in particular.
Focal area of teaching and research
Some key aspects of the Master in Animal Biology are:
- We offer a broad spectrum of course modules from which preferred topics can be chosen.
- We offer attractive workshops and field courses in Switzerland and abroad.
- We employ modern laboratory methods, including genomic techniques.
- In our field work, we integrate population biology across scales.
- Our teaching focuses on interactive courses that lead to independent thinking and the development of conceptual strength in topics ranging from molecular evolution, evolutionary developmental biology to population biology and metapopulation ecology.
- Master students will do a guided, yet independent research project within any of the groups associated with the master program. Current research topics include the evolution of host-parasite interactions, epidemiology, speciation, adaptive radiation, sexual selection, evolution of hermaphrodism and mating systems, evolutionary developmental biology, evolutionary genomics and the evolution of the immune system.
- The master thesis will be written in English. Most theses will lead to publication in international peer-reviewed journals.
Course structure
The Master of Science degree is a postgraduate degree that requires a successfully completed Bachelor’s program. The program awards 90 ECTS credits in total. The Master’s degree program Animal Biology is a so called mono-course consisting of only one core subject. Supervised practical work over the course of one year constitutes the core of the studies.
Aufbau der Ausbildung
One ECTS credit point roughly equals 30 hours of studying.
Curriculum master studies | ECTS |
Master’s degree program Animal Biology | |
Master’s thesis | 50 |
Master’s examination | 10 |
Courses (of which 18 ECTS must be taken within the Animal Biology course offerings)
30 |
Total | 90 |
The degree programs at the Faculty of Science are generally mono-courses with the possible addition of an in-depth subject and an elective subject. The Master’s degree program Animal Biology does include an elective subject; however, no other subjects are required.
It is possible to study biology in combination with a second subject from the Faculty of Humanities or the sports sciences.
Beschreibung als Nebenfach / Minor / Teilstudium / auch ausserfakultär
It is possible to study biology in combination with a second subject from the Faculty of Humanities or the sports sciences.
The following degree allows for direct admission to the Master's degree program Animal Biology: Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Biology from the University of Basel. Other Swiss or foreign degrees from an education institution recognized by the University of Basel require approval by the examination commission of the Faculty of Science.
Binding information under:
Application under; the application fee amounts to CHF 100.-. Application deadline for the fall semester is April 30, for the spring semester the deadline ends November 30.
The letter of admission also informs students on the procedure of enrollment. In general, students with a Swiss educational background do not have to be present in person for enrollment.
Universität Basel UNIBAS > Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Die Anmeldegebühr von CHF 100.- wird nicht rückerstattet, falls das Studium nicht aufgenommen wird.
Begründete verspätete Anmeldungen erfordern eine Zusatzgebühr von CHF 150.-
Pro Semester (auch für Prüfungssemester) ist eine Pauschale von CHF 850.- (+ CHF 10.- freiwilliger Beitrag für die Studierendenschaft skuba) einzuzahlen.
Hinzu kommen je nach Fachrichtung noch Auslagen für Studienliteratur sowie Lebenshaltungskosten.
- Master Universitäre Hochschule UH
Master of Science in Animal Biology
A Master of Science in Biology qualifies for a doctorate in biochemistry, biophysics, botany, computational biology, genetics, microbiology, molecular biology, neurobiology, structural biology, cell biology or zoology. Transfaculty doctorates are possible in the fields of epidemiology, history of the sciences, medical-biological research and pharmacology.
The doctoral studies last three to four years. After the acceptance of the dissertation an oral examination covering the postgraduate studies in the doctoral subject has to be passed.
Teaching diploma for secondary schools
The teaching diploma enables teaching within the general school system at the Secondary Level II and is based on the academic degree at Master’s level of a university in one or two subjects. Details are to be found:
Praktische Hinweise
Ort / Adresse
- Basel (BS)
Zeitlicher Ablauf
The program is to be started preferably in fall but can also be started in the spring semester.
The Master’s program lasts three to four semesters. There are no restrictions on the duration of study.
Zeitliche Beanspruchung
- Vollzeit
- Englisch
The language of instruction is English. The Master’s thesis is to be written in English.
Guidelines and regulations
Universität Basel UNIBAS > Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Tag der offenen Tür
Im Januar findet ein Infotag für Schulklassen statt.
Jeweils im September stellen sich die einzelnen Fächer an den Informationsabenden für Maturand/innen ("Live aus der Uni Basel") vor.
Weitere Informationen
Reglemente der Fakultät
- Ordnung für die Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge sowie die Doktoratsstudien an der Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Basel
- Wegleitungen und allfällige Stundenpläne für die einzelnen Fächer sind auf den entsprechenden Websites veröffentlicht.
Auskünfte / Kontakt
Questions regarding the study of Animal Biology can be discussed with the Study Counselor for the Master Program Animal Biology.
Study Counselor for the Master Program Animal Biology
Prof. Dieter Ebert, Departement Umweltwissenschaften, Zoology, Vesalgasse 1, 4051 Basel, T +41 61 207 03 60,, e-mail:
Studies Secretariat Biology
Susan Kaderli, Biozentrum, Spitalstrasse 41, 4056 Basel, T +41 61 207 14 35,, e-mail:
Universität Basel UNIBAS > Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Studienberatung Basel
Steinengraben 5, 4051 Basel
T +41 61 207 29 29/30
Studiensekretariat der Universität
(Anmeldung und Zulassung)
Petersplatz 1, 4001 Basel
Anfragen über (Kontaktformular)
Anbieter 1
Universität Basel UNIBAS
Petersplatz 1
4001 Basel
Tel.: + 41 61 207 30 23
Weitere Informationen
Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Studiendekanat der Phil.-Nat. Fakultät
Klingelbergstrasse 50
4056 Basel
Tel.: +41 61 207 30 54